Our Blushing Brides {The Apartment}

April 18, 2009

As part of my continuing series on bachelor apartments, I'd like to show you one that I've admired for a long, long time... Robert Montgomery's flat in Our Blushing Brides. 

Now, I guess I should clarify on this one.. it's not actually an apartment, per se. You might not even believe me unless you've seen the movie when I tell you-- it's a tree house. Yes, a tree house. But it is THE most awesome tree house in tree house history! 

The scene begins with Robert Montgomery taking a bewigged Joan Crawford (another darn blonde wig!) for a stroll in his garden. The next thing you know, he flips a switch and voila! The lights in his tree house come on!

I know, you're thinking, "that is the best tree house ever!"
but you ain't seen nothing yet! Wait until you see the inside!!

(You have to climb up the ladder to get there, you know!)

Can you believe THAT?! A giant arching window to view the moonlight, a giant semicircular couch to cozy up to his sweetheart. Robert Montgomery has got it made! Even if he weren't so handsome and charming, I think Joan would marry him just for the tree house!

What is completely lovely about this tree house is the feature that made me go ga-ga over the Sunday in New York apartment-- split levels! I love the sunken couch area! Apparently Joan does, too!

And... the obligatory Robert Montgomery screenshot. How could I resist that boyish smirk? (sigh)

In case you're not aware, Robert Montgomery is one of the select few gentlemen who is in my TOP FIVE favorite actors. I have three that have been there steadily for a long, long time and then the other two fluctuate. My top three are ALWAYS Ronald Colman, Charles Boyer and Robert Montgomery. That's the way it has always been!

I finally finished my list of my top 20 favorite actors and actresses, but I only have about 8 of them painted so far. The goal is to have all 40 paintings finished sometime in May. I'm not sure if I should keep them all on hold and post them in one big batch when I've finished all 40 or post them in increments. What do you think?

By the way-- in case you missed the first installment of my bachelor apartment series, here's the link for the whole series!


Millie said...

I WANT that tree house!

Oh and this is a really good post, Kate!

And "the obligatory screenshot" is so completely him...it made me laugh.

Robby Cress said...

I've always wanted a tree house - and that is definitely some tree house! I think that's every boys dream pad.

Caitlin said...

Not only has the renewed my unfulfilled childhood wish for a treehouse, but now I don't think I can be content with just a few hastily-nailed together boards in the backyard. I want that couch.

Terry said...

I have never seen this before !
It is amazing.
I wan't a treehouse just like this .
Thank you so much the post is a rare gem.I love your blog it is so informative and so much fun too!
Thanks for sharing.

Raquel Stecher said...

Have you ever seen Flesh & the Devil? There is a similar looking house in that complete with that sunken couch.

Laura said...

Wow, that set is amazing. (Heading to shelf to pull down tape with OUR BLUSHING BRIDES and move it higher in the "to watch for the first time" stack...)

SUNDAY IN NEW YORK, from your original post, also looks very interesting. I headed over to TCM to watch the trailer. Love the set design (and the guys in the cast). I'll be watching for it to air! Thanks for a great tip.

Best wishes from a fellow Robert Montgomery fan,

Unknown said...

That must have been one helluva tree!

Terence Towles Canote said...

Definitely a cool apartment! One of the best in movies. I think for this series, though, you have to cover the apartments in Under the Yum-Yum Tree (the ultimate bachelor pad...) and, of course, The Apartment (just for some contrast--it's a bachelor's apartment, but not exactly a bachelor pad...)

Anonymous said...

Millie- Me too!!

Bobby- Every girl's dream pad, too!

Princess Fire- lol! I know, I want the couch even if it comes sans tree house!

Terry- Thanks so much! You're too sweet :)

Raquelle- I have seen it, but I don't recall the house.. I'll have to go back and watch it. If I have it on DVD maybe I'll post comparison pictures. Thanks for the tip!

Laura- Darn, you just missed Sunday in New York! It was on about one week ago! At least you have Our Blushing Brides on DVD. I taped it the same day that the prequels were on (Our Dancing Daughters & Our Modern Maidens) but I have yet to watch them all in the row the way I intended.

Carrie- indeed!

Mercurie- Haven't actually seen Under the Yum Yum Tree yet, so I'll have to look for that next time it's on TCM. As I recall, The Apartment in The Apartment wasn't really spectacular looking, was it? Like you say, an apartment not "a pad" :) I know I definitely have Come Blow Your Horn, Boys Night Out, The Tender Trap & Ingrid Bergman's apartment in Indiscreet on the list!

Laura said...

So sorry I missed SUNDAY IN NEW YORK. It doesn't show up on the TCM site as airing in the next couple three months, but hopefully they'll show it before too long. :)

I had time last night to watch OUR BLUSHING BRIDES and posted about it here. Thanks again for giving me the impetus to view it with your post. I enjoyed it very much.

Best wishes,