Clara Bow

April 22, 2009

I was in a Clara Bow mood tonight... she is my favorite person to draw and/or paint, and after a trying few days of artistic misery, I needed a little Clara Bow art to cheer me up... turns out this first one (the green one) is my new favorite, and I changed all my little icons from the old Clara Bow to this one.

Coming up this afternoon-- FINALLY! I actually got Jean Harlow right! I'll be uploading it later this afternoon-- it's about time! I was about ready to set it on fire or something, it was bothering me so!

Coming up this week -- GUEST POSTS! On Thursday I'll be posting Graciebird's wonderful tribute to Gene Tierney accompanied by my painting, and on Friday I'll be posting Paul Brazill's exceptional piece about Robert Mitchum, also accompanied by my painting. So stay tuned!


Classic Maiden said...

Waow, I'm really impressed by both paintings. Great job :)

Unknown said...

Really good job on these, tho I also liked your old Clara Bow-- speaking of which, the prints arrived & look fantastic-- thanks!

Elizabeth said...

These are lovely! I love seeing them together, especially with these colors.

Sarah Mann said...

I love that turquoise color! I love the pink one too.

elena-lu said...

I adore the pink one!

Lauren said...

I love the second one especially. I wanna buy it sometime!

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone! It's funny, the pink one seems to be going over better but I really just love the green one!