Audrey Totter

March 21, 2009

I was inspired to paint Audrey Totter today after reading a post on a blog I just discovered, Movietone News.

It seems that Audrey Totter is still alive, and living at the Motion Picture and Television Hospital. This particular residence has been making the news lately-- the owners want to tear it down to create apartments or something. All of the current residents would be relocated and disbursed elsewhere. Is it just me, or does this just seem criminal?

Matthew at Movietone News has a really great article detailing the story about the retirement community, as well as a great write up about Audrey Totter. I highly recommend taking a trip over to his blog to read it!

I've been a big fan of Audrey Totter's ever since I saw her in Lady in the Lake about 8 years ago. She has the most interesting face; with very exaggerated features she almost seems to be a living, breathing version of a 1940's pulp fiction illustration. It's a face just made for people who like to paint faces :)


Peter said...

Thanks for the posting about Audrey Totter. She's one of my favorites. I knew she was still alive and living in a LA retirement community, but didn't know she was at the MP&T residence.

Anonymous said...

Oh - Audrey is such a treasure! Lady in the Lake is one of the best films ever made, in large part because of Audrey. I remember how excited I was the first time I watched it to find out in the end that she wasn't a dirty double crossing dame after all! :) Thanks for linking to that post about the Motion Picture & Television Hospital. It's fascinating and quite sad... Why on earth are they going to evict anyone?! How insane.

Matthew Coniam said...

Fantastic - what a face!
This site is terrific and I shall be dropping by regularly.
You should definitely do Edna May Oliver next - now there was a face.

Terence Towles Canote said...

Great work! I have to admit, I didn't know Audrey Totter was still alive either. I remember her very well from The Saoxn Charm. She had an incredible look!

Anonymous said...

In a Van- She's one of my favorites, too. I actually didn't even know she was still with us until I read the article. I wish I could take a plane to CA and interview her or something.

casey- dirty double crossing dame :) What I don't understand is why aren't all the multi-millionaire stars swooping in to save the day? That could be them there, someday-- did they ever think of that? Sheesh! This really gets my goat!

Matthew- THanks so much :) I'm so glad I discovered your site-- I'm hooked! I voted for Edna May, too... in my family we just call her "emo" for short.

Mercurie- Thanks! Have you seen her in The Unsuspected? That was a great one, too.

Paul D Brazill said...

Dead good.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Paul!

suzyz said...

Your drawings are outstanding, just beautiful! Saw Audrey Totter recently in "the Unsuspected" Always an interestingly different actor - I'm glad she is still with us and hope she is doing okay.