Dirk Bogarde Darling pic spam

October 05, 2009

I re-watched Darling recently and realized that when I wrote my post about a month ago I hadn't included any screen shots from the film. Tsk tsk! Well, I rectified that today, taking some of my favorite shots of Dirk Bogarde! Here ya go...

(This one is my favorite)
(And Lolita has to include this in her next
smoking men blog post!!)

(This one is my second favorite)


Classic Maiden said...

I love Dirk Bogarde too and those are such gorgeous caps of him.

I really should have a marathon with him soon - I just need to see more with him.

Lolita of the Classics said...

You don't happen to like him, do you? Haha ;)

Terence Towles Canote said...

Kate, I think you probably found the perfect way to draw a lot more girls to your site!

Anonymous said...

Sebina- Thanks! I'm gearing up for a marathon, too -- I just ordered about 16 of his movies!

Lolita- you think??

Mercurie- I hope I'm not discouraging the guys though! Maybe I need to do a girl picspam, too- who do you vote for? I could do Julie Christie from Darling, maybe!

Anonymous said...

I gave you an award it's on my blog :)

Desiree said...

love the screen shots. love your whole blog, in fact. i just watched the servant a couple weeks ago and i liked it a lot. he looks great. he kind of reminds me of the guy in strangers on a train, the one who first suggests they "switch murders" im going to keep reading because dirk bogarde seems to have a really interesting life.