Fredric March

June 20, 2009

I wrote a nifty little piece on Fredric March for Raquelle's Guest Blogger Month on Out of the Past. I really do hope you'll check it out, and then stay over there for a while -- since Out of the Past just turned TWO years old this month (!!!) there is plenty of outstanding material to keep your eyes glued to the computer for the rest of the weekend :)

*just remember to stop reading for at least ten minutes so you can call up your dad and wish him a Happy Father's Day!*

Now please go read my post.... HERE!


Raquel Stecher said...

Thank you so much for contributing such an excellent post and for your compliments! ::blushing::

Millie said...

Hey, Kate

This reminds me. I will have the Ingrid post e-mailed to you by the end of the weekend! Thank you SO much for your patience!

Keith said...

I'll definitely check that out. Hope you had a good weekend.