Tracy and Hepburn: Happy Valentines Day!

February 13, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

I love this classic couple, and the movies they made together. Even though I love older movies, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner is probably my favorite that they made together. What's your favorite? Post in the comments :)

Next up: Bogie & Bacall


Anonymous said...

This is great sketch. Kate is one of my favorite actresses. I think my favorite Tracy/Hepburn film is either Woman of the Year or Pat and Mike. I can't decide...

Unknown said...

Lovely sketch. I vote for Pat & Mike, tho like caseykoester, I also like Woman of the Year a lot.

Anonymous said...

Bar none, Adama's Rib. And what an absolutely darling card...I want it!

Sweet Pirate Betty said...

Lovely pic! The're a fab pair and make a lovely card! :)

Robby Cress said...

How appropriate :) I would also have to say that my favorite pairing was Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.

Caitlin said...

I loved Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, but my favorite of their films (that I've seen so far) was definitely Adam's Rib. Great picture, by the way.