Happy Birthday Jacques Tourneur

November 12, 2009

I wasn't actually planning a post today but when I remembered that it's Grace Kelly's 80th birthday I thought that director Jacques Tourneur's 105th might get lost in the shuffle so I just wanted to give him a quick shout out...

Happy Birthday Jacques Tourneur!!


Mr Pendlebury said...

If he'd only ever directed 3 films (Cat People, I walked With a Zombie and Out of the Past) he'd still be a legend.

Classic Maiden said...

yay - He's one of my favourite directors - both on Film and on TV...

Ed Howard said...

Great image; that's one of the most indescribably creepy sequences in cinema. For his Lewton work alone he's one of the greats, nevermind that he also made Out of the Past.

Lolita of the Classics said...

I desperately need to see more Tourneur films! Great that you highlighted him on his birthday!

Unknown said...

& Happy Birthday to you!

Terence Towles Canote said...

He wasn't my favourite director to emerge from Val Lewton's team, but I still love a lot of his films! Happy birthday to Jacques!

And happy birthday to you too, Kate!

Richard Hourula said...

Happy birthday to the great Kate one of my favorite bloggers. Please email me a slice of your birthday cake.

Matthew Coniam said...

Very best wishes to the both of you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you John, Mercurie, Richard & Matthew for the birthday wishes!! :D

elena-lu said...

happy birthday

Keith said...

I hope you had a great weekend. Take care. Have a fantastic week. Cheers!